
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

PASSION PROJECT: Are Unicorns Real?

This slide-show is about my Passion Project.
I hope you like it it is a bit long,and got lot's of chibis in it. Please comment if you can't fill out the form.

Friday, 2 December 2016

WRITING W8 T4 2016

By Abby
When It was my first day in Kahikatea,I felt so NERVOUS! But at the same time I felt a bit more mature(and excited). So I hopped out of the car  and said goodbye to Mum. So as soon as I walked into school I heard “ABBY!” It was *Kya,**Rieya and ***Genevive.

So we continued to start our year,and couple months later we were play at ****lunch time. We (Me,Kya,Reiya and Geny) were giggling and telling funny stories about,our mad families. And that is where the saying *****Oh my jitty jitty gosh comes from,and yes I say that every day.

I have another memory it was my first time doing combo. So when Mrs Boswell said stand up if you want,to do ******combo. I got taught how to cook sausages,make the hot dogs(well I already kind of did know how)and how to sort out the bags,It was so much fun!


*Kya my BFFL also known as best friend for life. Nickname : Kie Pie.
**Rieya my BFFL also known as best friend for life. Nickname : Ray
***Genevive my BFFL also known as best friend for life. Nickname : Geny.
****lunch time a hour break for you to eat your lunch.
*****Oh my gitty gitty gosh and awesome saying which my nearry step -brother Leo, and me say(all the time).
******combo when you order a combo,you order some juice,hot dog and popcorn.

Friday, 18 November 2016


Image result for cartoon chibi cowDairy FarmerImage result for cartoon chibi cow
Application c:
Evaluation B:
Synthesis c:

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


I hope you like my story.
Darwin Watterson [ off the Amazing world of Gumball!]


Darwin is 14 lives in a sky blue house with his smart Mum Nicole,over waited Dad Riched] ,intelligent Sister Anais[who is 4] and Gumball his best friend/brother[who is 13].
Looks like

Darwin has a cute smile,no neck,adorable shoes matches Darwin's spray tan like skin.Darwin's black shirt.pleasant  eyes  . and emerald colored shoes look so charming on him.Darwin dainty black  eyelashes are adorable with delightful dimples and cheeks

Darwin is happy all the time. Darwin is really dumb! This 14 year old dreams big and also friendly,sensitive and weird. Darwin is awfully kind.Darwin is friendly to everyone and everything even robbers and rats!
Darwin follows Gumball everywhere and anytime of the day.Darwin is jumpy runs quite fast.He never frowns.Darwin cries if someone cries.Darwin smiles a lot.

By Abby  Tombs

Monday, 17 October 2016

What I have just learnt in Cybersmart

I love Cybersmart because you (most of the time) you learn new stuff! I learnt lot's of stuff like IF YOU WRITE LIKE THIS some people cold think you are shouting. Also to avoid abbeiation. Abbreveiation is stuff like TTYL ,(talk to you later)  LOL, (laugh out loud) and BRB (be right back),some people don't know what is does mean (I don't blame them cause I didn't know some of them until I watched a video). I also learned what Netiquette ment (It means like the rules online)! =)

Friday, 2 September 2016

WALT : write an accurate sentence with full stops and capitals.

The Circle Of Life
Cookie style
By Abby Tombs

1.Unigirl is mixing the cookies.
Unigirl is mixing the cookies while dribbly sweat trickled down her arms. She was wiping her brow constantly.

2. Unigirl was shaping the cookies.
Unigirl was shaping the cookies while her brother Uniboy was screaming  in her, wornout ears.

3.Unigirl put the cookies in the oven.
Unigirl put the astonishing cookies in the oven while her arm burnt on the boiling oven. OOW!

4.Unigirl placed the cookies on a plate.
Unigirl placed the cookies on the table while Unigirl fainted. Making cookies for a new B is hard as! Dig in everyone.